Wood Households in Essex

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About Household Reports

Who are the Wood families of Essex?  The Household Reports document the Wood families of Essex by Parish.  These reports are a starting point.  They group Birth, Death, and Marriage records into family groups sheets, and point out gaps in the evidence.  The information you share about your ancestors is added to these reports.  The Household Reports initially focus on the 71 parishes of Essex where over 45% of Wood household resided.  These 71 parishes are situated in the Registration Districts of Billericay, Chelmsford, Maldon, and Ongar.

Vital Records

The Vital Records collection documents marriages between 1650 and 1800 by parish.  These summaries are the primary sources for the Household Reports

  • Billericay
  • Chelmsford
  • Maldon
  • Ongar
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