Honorable Mention

Prominent People Born Before 1900

Portrait of John Wood. He has dark eyes and an angular face. He wears a wig and a white scarf collar.
John Wood, Architect

John Wood (1704-1754) is the English architect who re-planned the city of Bath.

Headshot of a man with a full beard and thinning hair. He has a thick neck and soldi build. He is dressed in a dark suit, white shirt and bowtie.
Alexander Wood

Alexander Wood (1817-1884) is the Scot who invented hypodermic needles.

Headshot of the composer with a fair complexion but with dark eyes and black hair. He has a full trimmed beard with a handlebar mustache. Instead of a tie he wears a frilled bow.
Sir Henry Wood

Sir Henry Joseph Wood (1869-1944) is the famous conductor and composer (1906 by Emest Walter Histed)

Headshot of man with fair complexion, blue eyes and blond hair. He wears a dark suit, white shirt, tie, and tie bar.
Albert Wood

Albert Beaumont Wood (1890-1964) is a British Physicist who pioneered research in field of underwater acoustics and sonar.

A cropped portion of a survey of Banif, showing the streets around Banif Castle. The survey was by John Wood.
John Wood, Town Planner

John Wood (ca. 1780 1847) is a Scottish Surveyor, Town Planner, and Map Maker. He completed 150 plans of towns in England, Wales and Scotland.

Tombstone of Captain John in Highgate Cemetery, which has 25 lines of text that summarize his life and career
Captain John Wood

Captain John Wood (born 1812 1871) served in the British Indian Navy and discovered the source of the River Oxus – the longest river in Southeast Asia – 1837.

Sketch of Marshalsea Prison. It looks like a college house.
Malshalsea Prison

Thomas Wood (1499-1582) a Papist and  Chaplain of Queen Mary.  Before imprisoned at Marshalsea,  he was Prebendary of Canterbury and Westminster Abbey.

Painting of a man standing on a footbridge with a windmill in the background, He is about 6 foot tall, slender, and wears a colonial suit that reaches to his knees. He wears white stockings.
Thomas Wood of Billericay

Thomas Wood (1719-1783) the Abstemious Miller of Billericay due to  a vegetarian diet celebrated in the “Gentleman’s Magazine”(portrait in the Cater Museum).

Painting of British army officer sitting in a chair in full uniform with metals, epaulets, and sword
Evelyn Wood

Evelyn Wood (1838 – 1919) is British Army Officer and Constable of the Tower. He was born in Cressing Bantree. His father was John Page Wood, 2nd Baronet.

The headshot displays an intelligent face, with hair parted down the middle. With the the tips of his hair greying and a pipe in his right hand, Robert looks like the professor he was.
Robert Wood

Robert W Wood (1868 – 1955) is a Physicist and Science Fiction Writer. He taught at John Hopkins. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Audley End is a large 17th century country house near Saffron Walden. Its façade is grey stone. The manicured gardens of trees, lawn, shrubs, and paths in geometrical patterns were designed by Richards Woods.
Audley End

Richard Woods (ca. 1714 – 1793) is a Papist Landscape Gardener who completed gardens for Audley End, Hatfield Priory, Thorndon Hall, Marks Hall and others. Audley End is known as the finest Jacobean house in England.