Privcy and Policies

The website Wood Surname of Essex (WSOE) is the property of Dandenong LLC and is offered to users conditioned upon acceptance of the Terms and Policies stated here.   WSOE reserves the right to make changes to the Terms and Polices by posting such change here.  Registration and continued use of WSOE affirms acceptance of these Terms and Policies.





  • WSOE means the website Wood Surname of Essex
  • Member means a registered user of WSOE
  • Member Data means information provided by a Member when they register, or when they communicate with WSOE, or when they share information using the Sharing Form.
  • Subscriber means someone who has agreed to received the newsletter in the inbox of their email, either by using the Registration Form or by using the Subscription Form.
  • Cookies are tags linked to user browsers that identify user interactions with our site.  WSOE site cannot function properly without cookies.

Site Data and Privacy

  • WSEO does not add the names of living people to the database without their consent.
  • The trees displayed on WSOE and its sister site do not show birth, death, or marriage information for people born after 1920.
  • Member Data belongs to the Member.
  • Membership data is stored on the servers of HostGator. HostGator handles Membership data following industry protocols for privacy and security.
  • Member Data that is personal to the Member is only used for the proper functioning of WSOE, and WSOE will not sell Member Data to third parties, or otherwise share Member Data for commercial gain.
  • Member Data related to ancestors is published online for the benefit of other researchers.
  • Members agree to provide ancestor information only if it is free from privacy  restrictions.


  • Members agree to received the newsletter in their email’s inbox as part of the registration process.
  • Non-members or Members can sign up to receive the newsletter in their email inbox using the Subscription Form.
  • WSOE makes every effort for the information in the newsletter to be accurate, but all Subscribers to the newsletter agree to receive the newletter “as is” without any guarantee that the information is accurate.


  • WSOE uses The Next Generation (TNG) to display the family trees. The TNG software collects cookies to send contact forms to users.
  • WSOE is a WordPress Elementor Pro website, which uses cookies to enable the proper of websites, and to permit the Administrator of WSOE to take actions to maintain the proper function of WSOE.
  • WSOE resides on the servers of HostGator and uses cookies according to its privacy and security policies. Please view these terms and policies at
  • WSOE uses Google Analytics, which is entirely anonymous, with the intention of tracking users throughout our website to better understand how users navigate our website. Google’s  Privacy Policy is available here:

Uses of Member Data that is Personal

  • WSOE only uses Member Data (data of registered users and date of newsletter subscribers) for the purposes and in the manner described herein.
  • Members consent for WSOE to store full names, email addresses, and other information submitted to WSOE via the Registration form, the Sharing forms, Subscription Form, or email from the Member to WSOE.
  • WSOE reserves the right to modify the Registration Form, the Subscription Form, or the Sharing Form.
  • WSOE uses Member Data to enable downloads, uploads, communication from WSOE to Members, communication from Members to WSOE, and for controlling permission access levels.
  • WSOE keeps track of the name and number of documents Members download.
  • WSOE uses Member Data to email the newsletter.
  • Members can unsubscribe from the newsletter or de-register from participation in Wood Surname of Essex website at any time. Members can de-register accounts by sending an email to
  • Members can modify their personal information at any time using My Account on the main menu of the website.

Copyright Policy

  • WSOE endeavors to credit authors and creators for their work.  
  • Member Data related to Ancestors, by policy, must be credited to the Member who shared the information.  It is the responsibility of the Member to advise WSOE if other sources also need citation. 
  • Members agree to provide ancestor information only if it is free from copyright restrictions.
  • Most information on WSOE is in the public domain, available under Freedom of Information Acts.
  • The Essex Record Office is a special source for researching the Wood surname of Essex.  Images of documents from the Essex Record Office are shared for non-commercial, research purposes only.  Material from the Essex record Office is share on condition that you do not use it for any commercial purpose, and that you properly cite any  portion of their material that you incorporate in your own research.

Error Correction and Copyright Infringement

  • WSOE’s policy is to properly cite sources and authors. In the case of error, our policy is to immediately insert or amend missing or incomplete citation.
  • Member or Visitors of WSOE who find errors or material on the website that infringes copyright, must help WSOE to make corrections.  To correct errors, Members or Visitors send an email to including: 1) Their full name, address and telephone number, 2) Their e-mail addresses, and 3) Description of the error or infringement.


WSOE endeavors to ensure the accuracy of transcriptions and other materials presented on WSOE.   WSOE assumes no liability for errors inherent to the transcription process.  Whenever possible, an attempt is made to verify illegible names or hard-to-read handwriting.  Transcription errors almost unavoidable.  While WSOE cannot guarantee that the information on the website is error-free, WSOE welcomes the investigation of any concerns raised by Members.  Members should communicate their concerns in via email to